Very, very few of our purchases, house or unit, are uncontested. If no-one else wants to buy, recheck your Due Diligence! Nearly all property buying in Melbourne is competetive, no matter what the state of the market. The race starts upon listing and ends at the auction/sale date, just 29 days later, on average.

Thinking ahead, to the new year market, many of our clients get in touch in December and discuss their buying wants, for the new year. We are happy to give feedback on your plan, no cost or obligation.

While others are thinking about this buying in 2024, we will be into the market for our new clients, and buying with less competition and, most likely, steady prices.

With RBA rates on hold till at least February,( CBA tip) maybe longer, buyers know their financing cost, and can assume that, when rate cuts do arrive, home prices will start to rise.

Email me at for an Info Sheet one or more our Services: the Complete Property Buying Service, Assisted Property Buying Service, Vendor Advocacy Service, or Property ChangeOver Service

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