Sometimes you just have to “wait to win”. This extended California Bungalow 3 BR/3 BATH home, in excellent condition on a big block, in Ballarat, was marketed by the first agency at a price too high for the market. It then became what we call in the industry a “a stale property”. Because it sits on the market buyers think there is something wrong with, but it was just the pricing.

We did not pay in the $800’s, we did not even pay the $779K asked by the second agency. Our investor clients are now the buyers of this great home for just $750K. But we had to wait for the vendor to sign the contact….a week! Buying strategy sometimes required action, sometimes inaction…to win the deal.

As Ballarat’s population expands from 120,000 to 150,000 this property, only 2KM from the city’s main street will become an inner-city gem. In the meantime, it should earn a return of about 3.3%, unheard of in Melbourne for the same investment.

At Strategic Buyers Agents, we know fast-growing Ballarat and Bendigo very well. We can buy you a house on its own block, Torrens Title instead of a strata, and it will cost you well under Melbourne’s $1M median.

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